Golandsky has helped relieve pain in people in an array of professions – from professional pianists to radiologists to executive coaches to real estate agents to stenographers. Many of the people whom she has helped are so satisfied with the results that they write thank-you letters following treatment.
The following letters and excerpts from letters attest to the effectiveness of Healthy Typing techniques.

Renna Whittredge Pye, M.D.
Edna’a straightforward and scientific approach, as well as her ability to view each person and…

Leo Gorelkin, M.D.
I am a physician with a strong scientific background in research and it makes perfect…

Karin Boisvert, M.D.
I don’t know of any other approach that addresses the problem of pain and injuries…

Jennifer Phillips
Manager, Programming, Crown Media Family Networks
I developed burning and tingling sensations in my right hand shortly after beginning a new…

Ilya Itin
Concert Pianist
After watching her [Edna Golandsky, Healthy Typing Inc. Founder] lectures and demonstrations I realized I…

Jose Rodriguez
Database Administrator, NYC Dept. of Transportation
Database Administrator, NYC Dept. of Transportation I first studied with Edna [Edna Golandsky, Healthy Typing…

Richard Herrick
Real Estate Agent, Citi Habitats
I had been experiencing pain in my hands, wrists, and forearms that was diagnosed by…

Stanley G. Rockson, M.D.
School of Medicine Professor, Stanford University
It is apparent that avoiding injury at the computer, or with any repetitive stress, can…

Marsha Hoch
Executive Coach
She really understood everything so quickly, and was able to even anticipate some of the…